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Airdrop NFTs

Engine makes it effortless for any developer to airdrop NFTs at scale. You sponsor the gas so your users only need a wallet address!

This guide references Polygon Mumbai testnet and NextJS but is applicable for any EVM chain and full-stack framework.

Airdrop overview


Frontend: Add Connect Wallet and Claim buttons​

Use <ConnectWallet> to prompt the user for their wallet. The Claim button calls POST /api/claim.

export default function Home() {
return (
<ThirdwebProvider activeChain="mumbai" clientId="<thirdweb_client_id>">
<ClaimPage />

function ClaimPage() {
const userWalletAddress = useAddress();

const onClick = async () => {
await fetch("/api/claim", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({ userWalletAddress }),
alert(`πŸŽ‰ A reward has been sent to your wallet: ${userWalletAddress}`);

return (
<h2>Thank you for being a superfan! ❀️</h2>
<ConnectWallet />
{userWalletAddress && <button onClick={onClick}>Claim my reward</button>}

Replace <thirdweb_client_id>.

Backend: Call Engine to mint an NFT​

POST /api/claim calls Engine to mint an NFT to the user's wallet.

export async function POST(request: Request) {
const { userWalletAddress } = await request.json();

await fetch(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer <thirdweb_secret_key>",
"x-backend-wallet-address": "<backend_wallet_address>",
body: JSON.stringify({
receiver: userWalletAddress,
metadataWithSupply: {
metadata: {
name: "Acme Inc. Superfan",
description: "Created with thirdweb Engine",
supply: "1",

return NextResponse.json({ message: "Success!" });

Try it out!​

Here’s what the user flow looks like.

The app prompts the user to connect their wallet. Initial page load The app prompts the user to connect their wallet.

A user presses claim. A user presses claim.

They'll receive the NFT in their wallet shortly! They&#39;ll receive the NFT in their wallet shortly!

Full code example​

The code above is simplified for readability. View the full source code: