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Connecting Wallets

There are two ways you connect user's wallet to your application using thirdweb's React SDK

  1. Using the ConnectWallet component for a quick, easy and customizable UI
  2. Create a completely custom UI using wallet connection hooks

Supported Wallets
Wallet NameWallet Configurator
Coinbase WalletcoinbaseWallet
Wallet Connect v2walletConnect
Safe WalletsafeWallet
Paper WalletpaperWallet
Embedded WalletembeddedWallet
Local WalletlocalWallet
Smart WalletsmartWallet
Magic LinkmagicLink
Rainbow WalletrainbowWallet
Zerion WalletzerionWallet
Blocto WalletbloctoWallet
Frame WalletframeWallet
OKX WalletokxWallet
Core WalletcoreWallet
Coin98 Walletcoin98Wallet
Rabby WalletrabbyWallet
Defi WalletcryptoDefiWallet
OneKey WalletoneKeyWallet


Don't see the wallet you are looking for?

You can easily integrate any wallet provider by Building your own wallet !

1. ConnectWallet component

ConnectWallet component renders a button which when clicked opens a modal to allow users to connect to wallets specified in the ThirdwebProvider's supportedWallets prop.

If supportedWallets is not configured in the ThirdwebProvider, the ConnectWallet Modal shows the below shown default wallets:


Try out ConnectWallet in action on ConnectWallet Playground!

import {
// import the wallets you want
} from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

// wrap your App with ThirdwebProvider and set supportedWallets prop

function Page() {
return (
supportedWallets={[metamaskWallet(), coinbaseWallet(), walletConnect()]}
<App />

// render ConnectWallet component in your App - that's it!

function App() {
return (
<ConnectWallet />

2. Create a completely custom UI to connect wallets

Connecting a wallet involves a few steps:

  1. Create a wallet instance
  2. Call the connect method on the wallet instance
  3. Set the connected wallet instance as "connected wallet"

If you just want to connect a wallet as mentioned above - there's a simple way to do it using the useConnect hook which does all the above steps for you.

Using useConnect hook
import {
// import the wallet you want to connect
} from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

const walletConfig = metamaskWallet();

function Example() {
const connect = useConnect();

async function handleConnect() {
try {
const wallet = await connect(
walletConfig, // pass the wallet config object
connectOptions, // pass options required by the wallet (if any)

console.log("connected to", wallet);
} catch (e) {
console.error("failed to connect", e);

return <button onClick={handleConnect}> connect wallet </button>;

But if you need to create wallet instance and call some methods on the wallet instance before connecting the wallet, you can do these steps manually as shown below using the useCreateWalletInstance, useSetConnectionStatus and useSetConnectedWallet hooks.

Manually creating wallet instance and connecting

There are 3 steps to connect your wallet manually:

Make sure to update the connectionStatus using useSetConnectionStatus to "connecting" before connecting your wallet and "disconnected" if the connection fails.


We will use localWallet as an example because it can not be connected using the useConnect hook because it requires additional steps after creating the wallet instance - like generating a random wallet or importing a wallet. We will generate a random wallet in this example.

import {
// import the wallet you want to connect
} from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

const walletConfig = localWallet();

function Example() {
const createWalletInstance = useCreateWalletInstance();
const setConnectionStatus = useSetConnectionStatus();
const setConnectedWallet = useSetConnectedWallet();

const handleConnect = async () => {
// 1. create wallet instance
const wallet = createWalletInstance(walletConfig);

// perform additional steps that needs to be done before connecting the wallet
// here, we will generate a random wallet
await wallet.generate();

try {

// 2. Call `connect` method on wallet instance
await wallet.connect(
connectOptions, // pass options required by the wallet (if any)

// 3. Set wallet instance as the connected wallet
} catch (e) {
console.error("failed to connect", e);
// show error UI or close modal using props.close()

return <button onClick={handleConnect}> connect wallet </button>;

Once the wallet is connected, you can use React SDK's 100+ hooks to show connected wallet's details, send transactions, interact with smart contracts, sign messages and utilize common standards such as tokens, NFTs, marketplaces; all with built-in caching, RPC URLs, IPFS gateways, and more!

Here is a list of few hooks that will be useful when creating custom UI

useAddressget connected wallet's account address
useDisconnectdisconnect the connected wallet
useWalletget connected wallet instance
useWalletConfigget connected wallet's config
useConnectionStatusget status of wallet connection
useSignerget signer of connected wallet