Function useNFTCollection

  • Hook for getting an instance of an NFTCollection contract. This contract is meant to interface with ERC721 compliant NFTs.


    • contractAddress: RequiredParam<string>

      the address of the NFT Collection contract, found in your thirdweb dashboard

    Returns NFTCollection | undefined


    import { useContract } from '@thirdweb-dev/react'

    export default function Component() {
    const { contract, isLoading, error } = useContract("<YOUR-CONTRACT-ADDRESS>", "nft-collection")

    // Now you can use the nftCollection contract in the rest of the component

    // For example, this function will return all the NFTs on this contract
    async function getNFTs() {
    const nfts = await contract.getAll()
    return nfts



    This hook is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version. You should use useContract instead.

    - const nftCollection = useNFTCollection("0x1234...");
    + const nftCollection = useContract("0x1234...", "nft-collection").contract;

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